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At VITAL Birth – it is all about YOU. Supporting mothers through this incredibly transformational time is so important. You deserve to have a birth that is free from fear. You deserve to feel connected to your intuition. You deserve to discover what birthing in your own power can be.

Women’s bodies are amazing and growing a human being has got to be one of the most incredible things our body’s are able to do. But how are you feeling about giving birth? Are you feeling anxious, blindsided by horror stories or simply burying your head in the sand?

Birth preparation is VITAL – especially if you want to feel supported, informed, heard and empowered as you welcome your little one into the world. That is why this isn’t just another antenatal course. 
Working with Holly as your Birth Coach means you get to learn coveted Hypnobirthing techniques to support your birth, dismantle the fears that will hold you back from having the positive experience you, get informed on ALL of the choices available to you and your birth partner want and be prepared for a nourishing post-partum period once you have welcomed your babe Earth Side.


Because HOW we give Birth is VITAL

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Want to know more? Schedule a 20-minute call to see if we are the right fit for you here

What’s included in the course?

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  • 8 hours of teaching time with Holly, face to face. (Zoom sessions can be accommodate for 1-2-1 sessions only)
  • Deep diving on all your OPTIONS. You have many, and if you don’t know them, you can’t fight for them. Knowledge is POWER.
  • Practical advice about how to get your body prepared and ready for the birth you are planning.
  • The physiology & knowledge of what exactly is going on in your body during labour and birth and how you can help it do its job.
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  • Applicable ways you can learn to and absolutely trust in your body’s abilities to birth your baby, your way.
  • A toolkit of practical techniques to practise during pregnancy that will keep you feeling calm and in control during labour and birth- these include breath work, accessing deep relaxation and guided meditation (believe me when I say these work wonders beyond pregnancy and birth!)
  • A deep understanding of how your brain affects everything in birth – and how to get out of the way of your thinking brain.
  • Harnessing the power of your hormones every step of the way as you prepare to give birth.
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  • The postpartum period, or ‘fourth trimester,’ is so often forgotten in our antenatal planning. I’ll cover what you can do to prepare for parenthood and a nourished recovery.
  • All the information, tips and techniques your birth partner/team need to take an active & essential role in supporting you.
  • Discussion of special circumstances in birth and how to have a positive birth experience even when the plans change.
  • Looking at all of the decisions that need to be made in pregnancy, birth and beyond.